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Getting Involved


The Parents Association is vital to Dwight’s community-building efforts and educational objectives. Together with the School, it is our joint mission to ignite the spark of genius in every child and build a responsible, global-minded community. We invite all parents to volunteer their time and creative ideas to — and participate in — PA events throughout the year.

PA volunteers serve in numerous roles as Officers of the Executive Board and Board, class representatives, and chairs and members of several PA committees.

Join Us in Planning Events                                        

The PA plans regular events such as our ever-popular International Food Festival, book fairs, and ice skating evenings in Central Park.

Become a Class Representative

Class representatives help to create a sense of goodwill within their class by welcoming new families, offering information, encouraging parent participation in PA and School events, and organizing class-wide events.


Annual Fund Committee

The Annual Fund is one of our most important fundraising initiatives. The Committee solicits and secures gifts to help ensure that we meet the most critical needs of our Dwight community.

Senior Gift Committee

Grade 12 families leave a legacy at Dwight by directing their Annual Fund donations to a specific purpose or part of the School to be dedicated in their honor. The Class of 2022 directed their gift to name plaques on a stairwell at Dwight’s Main Campus, and the Class of 2023 named the new lunchroom. The Committee solicits and secures gifts from fellow senior class parents.

Spark Tank Committee

Spark Tank is Dwight’s incubator designed to nurture student entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, and service beyond the classroom for students in grades K-12. The Committee provides mentorship and feedback to students in the Spark Tank program and approves funding for their projects. 

Spring Benefit Committee

The Spring Benefit is both a community-building event and fundraiser, which includes  live and silent auctions of items generously donated by parents, alumni, and local businesses. The Committee solicits auction items, promotes ticket sales, and helps with event planning and logistics. 

If you’d like to join one of these committees or learn more, please contact


If you’re a Dwight, Franklin, or Anglo-American School graduate interested in becoming a class representative, joining our Alumni Council, or learning more about our other initiatives, please contact Olivia Merrick-Haight at or 646.400.0312.