What You Need to Know About Rolling Admission at an Online Private School
November 7, 2023
Are you looking to enroll your child in a respected, accredited online school like Dwight Global Online School? The idea of starting an enrollment process can be intimidating, especially if your plans change or you live in a country with a different school calendar.
What is Rolling Admission?
Many online private schools in the U.S. are adapting the rolling admissions model. These admissions offices evaluate applicants as they receive the paperwork, instead of waiting to evaluate applications after a hard deadline. Many K-12 online private schools find this method offers more flexibility to families whose applications are submitted mid-year in addition to the traditional start-of-school year date.
Rolling admissions has distinct benefits for prospective students and their families. Waiting to change schools until the following fall is not always conducive to students whose parents’ careers may be taking them on varying paths. With rolling admissions, online education is ready for students when they need it. If a student begins to excel in an art form or sport, then families can feel free to explore bigger opportunities without sacrificing a solid education.
“At Dwight Global, we see families come to the process at various points during the year. Not all families necessarily transition by the first day of school in September,” said Head of School Louisa Childs. “A family’s unique circumstances and situation might lead them to look for a new school at an atypical point in the year. In this way, offering rolling admission provides these families with the flexibility to travel or move internationally - without wreaking havoc on their school plans.”
Before applying to an online private school that offers rolling admission, here are some things to know about the process.
Rolling Admission Does Not Guarantee Openings
While it is true that private online schools with rolling admissions can better serve late applicants, it is still wise to apply as early as possible. Online education has been growing in popularity over the past several years, particularly over the last few with advancements in technology, increased flexibility sought by families, and the boost of online learning from the COVID-19 lockdown.
Sometimes, availability in an online program varies by grade. This can be a tricky part of the process to navigate for families with multiple children. At Dwight Global, each student’s situation is different and is discussed on a case-by-case basis with an Admissions Associate.
Rolling Admission is Not an Automatic Green Light
While application requirements vary by school, the traditional elements of an application form are still an important part of the equation for private online schools. Families should expect the interview, essay, standardized test scores, and recommendation letters to play an important role in the admissions process.
“Interviews are offered to all students virtually, making the application process easy for students applying to Dwight Global in grades 6-12,” said Childs.
There Still Might Be Deadlines to Consider
A private online school with rolling admissions does not necessarily have a deadline-free process. There are still key dates and deadlines to keep in mind when applying to a program. There are also important dates to keep in mind when pursuing scholarships, as well.
While Dwight Global considers applicants on a rolling basis, the priority admissions deadline for the first round of admissions is on January 15.
The Early Bird Gets the Worm
It is wise to start the admissions process as early as possible. Families in need of tuition assistance should get a jump on their application for funding. Schools have a limited budget for financial aid and the support is often doled out on a first come, first served basis.
At Dwight Global, financial aid is allocated on a rolling basis, so families interested in need-based financial assistance should look to apply by the priority admissions deadline of January 15.
Consider the Grades and Credits Transfer
Before starting the application process at an online private school, do some research about your student’s current school.
Find out what the school will do with transcript grades and credits if your student transfers mid-year. Once you have learned the procedure, contact the private online school which you are pursuing. Will this new school accept partial credit? How are the grades transferred over to the new curriculum? At Dwight Global, incoming students have a choice of personalized academic pathways to pursue, and the school’s curriculum guide is a good place to begin to explore. Ask to speak with the school counselors at both schools in order to gain an understanding of this part of the process.
“Rest assured, Dwight Global faculty and administrators are experienced in making sure the transition to Dwight Global is a smooth and successful one,” said Childs.
Prepare Your Student
Whether you are moving, experiencing changes to your family dynamics, or looking to better meet the needs of your child, or children, you may be considering a mid-year switch in school. The change can initially seem overwhelming, but it can be done successfully. Keep in mind that there are plenty of options. You are not alone, as plenty of students and their families are in similar circumstances.
The best private online schools will have admissions counselors to speak with before taking the first step toward admission. Depending on your child’s current curriculum, the admissions counselors may suggest tutoring at the start, to help your student get up to speed.
Learn more about the rolling admissions process at Dwight Global by contacting the school today. Click here to sign up for a virtual Dwight Global Online School Open House, or to schedule an admissions consultation.