The Importance Of An Online High School Diploma
May 31, 2023
As the world discovers the distinct advantages of online education, more high school students are attending online schools than ever before.
During the pandemic, many high school students were surprised to discover they preferred online learning to traditional school settings. Soon, they and their families started researching online schools.
Read on for specific advantages of attending a top online high school, and hear from families who have selected them.
Provides an Edge in College and University Admissions
Studying online has become a pathway for high school students to gain acceptance into world-renowned colleges and universities.
Students who graduate from a respected online high school like the accredited, highly ranked Dwight Global Online School, earn academic qualifications that are recognized around the world by admissions representatives and leaders in higher education.
Dwight Global Online School offers the Advanced Placement track, as well as the International Baccalaureate program, a leading global education program that develops inquiring, knowledgeable and caring students.
In 2022, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) selected Dwight Global as one of only two online schools worldwide to pilot the IB Diploma Program (DP), a rigorous program for juniors and seniors, entirely online.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is one of the most challenging academic programs available, and recognized by university admissions directors around the world as the “gold standard” in college preparation based on the breadth and depth of the curriculum.
In the two-year course of study during grades 11-12, students take six classes concurrently, while also taking core curriculum courses. The core is the bedrock of the program — all classes foster critical thinking, community engagement, and research. These skills help students thrive within the DP and also within their personal lives, where they are encouraged to pursue curiosity.
Students at Dwight Global are:
Encouraged to think critically and solve complex problems
Become more culturally aware through the study of world languages and cultures
Able to engage with people in an increasingly globalized, rapidly changing world
Able to take charge of their own learning
Additionally, admissions officers recognize that students who thrive in a virtual learning environment will also thrive in college.
For instance, the student who excels in online classes typically:
Communicates effectively
Works well independently
Works well collaboratively
Understands good time management
Is willing to take advantage of resources and faculty availability
Is organized and prepared
Develops high level technology and virtual skills
The above are all skills necessary for a student to thrive in a university setting.
“Dwight Global students demonstrate a rare initiative in terms of guiding their own education and identifying, exploring and guiding their passions” said Megan Miller, senior director of college counseling at Dwight Global. “Their depth of inquiry often sets them apart within the applicant pool,” she said.
Provides Flexibility that Enhances School and Life
Having the flexibility to learn and study from home opens up hours in the day to pursue outside interests, travel, spend more time with family, and delve more deeply into academics.
Dwight Global provides students a customized program that allows students to pursue academic passions through a rigorous curriculum.That personalized online learning program also means students are more likely to discover their spark or passion, and gain a zest for learning in the areas that interest them most.
Enrolling in an online high school broadens a student’s educational possibilities far beyond what they might be able to encounter in their surrounding area.
For example, students who are nordic ski competitors like high schoolers Gabriele Badino and his sister Beatrice, need to live and train in the mountains, an area where top schools are not readily available. Gabriele and Beatrice’s father Marco Badino noticed that his children thrived when they enrolled in Dwight Global Online School.
“I strongly recommend online learning to anyone who has a passion and ambition for something outside school and at the same time doesn’t want to give up an outstanding academic curriculum,” Mr. Badino said. “Gabriele and Beatrice appreciate the global network of schoolmates they are building around them, and we hope in the future they can leverage this network to be world citizens ready to face global challenges.”
“The advantages to online learning are many, and one of the best is flexibility,” he continued. “We strongly believe that this path can lead to success in both academics and sports.”
Provides Cultural Connections and a Global Focus
At the best online high schools, students spend the day with classmates from all over the world, discussing global issues and engaging with a comprehensive and globally-inclusive curriculum. Such interactions build intercultural understanding and respect.
The global perspective of an international online high school is an enormous benefit in the eyes of Anastasia Zaandam, mother to Dwight Global seniors Giselle, an archer, and Julian, a tennis player.
“The kids' multicultural background and travel has set them up well to take advantage of and contribute to Dwight Global's international perspective,” said Ms. Zaandam. “This is evident in their ease of understanding and learning from their fellow students from different parts of the world, the ease of managing different time zones, and bringing their background and perspective to class assignments and projects.”
She continued: “For example, in a history project, Giselle was able to make a connection between a town 5 km from our house called Breukelen, to Brooklyn in New York, which was named after Breukelen more than 400 years ago. This additional international perspective is a huge added benefit of a truly global education which Dwight Global provides.”
Click here to learn more about Dwight Global Online School and its educational programs.