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Grades 5-8 Library Resources

Choose Central Park West

Click on catalog to search our collection of books, e-books, and other media. The catalog will tell you if we have a book and where it would be located within the library.


  • Bentley House Summer Reading List has all of your summer reading recommendations and assignments.
  • Sora is the website we use to get ebooks (log-on using your email and laptop password)
    • Through Sora you can access Dwight School's ebooks as well as the ebooks we have through the Hudson Valley Library Association (HVLA) Consortium.
    • All summer reading books are available through Sora, and you can download it as an app on phones or tablets as well.
    • Need further instructions? Look here or ask a librarian for help.

Digital Book Display and Book Recommendations!

Book Quizzes

Looking for one of the book quizzes from class? Click below! 

6th Grade Book Quiz-- November 2024
6th Grade Book Quiz-- February 2024
6th Grade Book Quiz-- November 2023

7th Grade Book Quiz-- January 2024
7th Grade Book Quiz-- Historical Fiction/Non-Fiction

Recommend Books for the Library

Want to add something to the library? Email Ms. Sculnick and Ms. Bader, or check back here for more information.

Middle School Databases and Trusted Websites

General Resources
These databases and websites are useful for a variety of topics, or general background information! If you don't know where to start with research, start with one of these links. 

  • BrainPop
    • A trustworthy website with classroom resources and educational videos. 
  • Credo Reference
    • A great tool to conduct background research and create mind maps for your research.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica
    • The school version of the classic encyclopedia with searchable keywords and topics.

    • A great place to start your background research!

  • Gale: Research in Context
    • A reference database specifically for middle schoolers that includes a variety of sources and materials to support your research. 
  • Infobase Databases
    • The home page for our different databases provided by infobase. Includes history, science, and literature databases, as well as the almanac.
  • New York Times (Only accessible within the Dwight School building)
    • You can access current and past articles through the New York Times while in Dwight.
  • Scholastic Go
    • A general research and reference database.

  • SIRS Discover
    • A general research database with encyclopedias and reference sources, as well as articles.
  • SweetSearch
    • A student search engine.
  • World Almanac
    • A general reference that provides facts and information about the world.
  • Worldbook
    • Online version of the Worldbook Encyclopedia. 

Individuals and Societies and Humanities
These databases are specifically useful for your individuals and societies and humanities classes.

Good places to begin research for your science class.

Middle School Library Rules

Welcome to the library! You can only visit the library if there is a librarian present, during lunch, and after school. The library is a shared space, so please be respectful of your fellow community members who are working in the library.

  • Respect each other, the librarians, the materials, and the space. 
  • Food and drink are permitted if you keep them away from the library books, and you need to clean up after yourself. 
  • Please adhere to the technology policies when using your computer in the library. Students cannot use computers in a way that is disruptive or harmful to others, or in a way that invades each others privacy. 
  • Students must use headphones; you can ask the librarian for a pair if you do not have your own.


You can check out materials either using the self-checkout computer or with the librarian on duty.

  • The loan period for materials is 3 weeks, if you need longer please renew your materials with the librarian.
  • You can return your materials to the librarian directly or by placing them on the cart next to the desk.
  • Library items are shared by everyone in the community, so please be courteous in returning items.

Lost or Damaged Items

Please notify a librarian of lost or damaged materials. Replacements will be handled on a case by case basis.

Meet Your Librarians


Sarah Sculnick, Upper School Librarian

Want a research consultation or a class visit? Send Ms. Sculnick a request.


Katie Bader, Middle School Librarian and Library Assistant