Grades K-4 Library Resources
Click on catalog to search our collection of books, e-books, and other media. The catalog will tell you if we have a book and where it would be located within the library.
Timothy House Resources
Helpful databases for the classroom:
Epic! (available during school hours)
New York Times (Only accessible within the Dwight School building)
Accessing eBooks and Book Requests
SORA - Log-on using your email and laptop password
- Through Sora you can access Dwight School's ebooks as well as the ebooks we have through the Hudson Valley Library Association (HVLA) Consortium.
- You can download Sora as an app on your phone or tablet.
- Need further instructions? Click here or ask a librarian for help.
Citation Tools
Noodle Tools: This is the school's citation manager, and with it you can create works cited pages for various projects.
Meet Your Librarians
Karen Ginman, Lower School Librarian
Katie Bader, Library Assistant
Recommend Books for the Library
Want to add something to the library? Email Ms. Ginman, or check back here for more information.
You can check out materials with our librarians. The loan period for materials is 3 weeks, but if you need longer please renew your materials. You can return your materials to the librarian or by placing them on the return cart. Library items are shared by everyone in the community, so please kindly return them when you are done reading.
Lost or Damaged Items
Please notify a librarian of lost or damaged materials. Replacements will be handled on a case by case basis.