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Welcome to
Dwight New York

Dwight, a New York City landmark private school, is a leader in global education recognized worldwide for igniting the spark of genius in every child. We are proud of our rich history, which dates back to 1872, and numerous advances that have distinguished Dwight as a pioneering International Baccalaureate World School. While innovation drives us ever forward, our commitment to personalizing the educational journey for every student remains at the heart of everything we do.

Early Childhood

Our youngest students begin building social skills and a love of learning in programs ranging from Wee Wonder for infants and Small Wonder for toddlers, to Preschool and Pre-K for children.

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Lower School

Students in Kindergarten through grade 4 hit the ground running with inquiry-based learning. We ensure a holistic, personalized approach to teaching the "head and heart" of every child.

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Middle School

Students in grades 5-8 grow in leaps and bounds, as they assume greater independence and responsibility on their academic journey.

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Upper School

Students in grades 9-12 advance exponentially both academically and personally, as they prepare to thrive beyond Dwight in college — and anywhere in the world.

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Dwight Facts & Figures

Dwight stands apart from other independent schools as a leader with a long list of firsts in New York City and around the world. Discover more about our milestones and global community.

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school in the Americas authorized to offer the full IB curriculum in 2014



 U.S. independent school to establish an overseas campus in 1972


global campuses with 1 shared mission


student-entrepreneurs developing their passion projects in our Spark Tank incubator


students in Manhattan and 3,216 worldwide


years of leadership by Chancellor Stephen Spahn


community with 45 nationalities represented


school in the U.S. authorized to offer the IB PYP in 1998 and the MYP in 2000

News & Events

Finding Clarity:  Students Envision Future Possibilities During Tiffany & Co. Career Discovery Program

“It was a once-in-a-life experience,” says Luc Metz ’25, of Dwight Global, describing his recent time at Tiffany & Co. 

Over the past Spring Break, students from both Dwight New York and Dwight Global participated in an immersive career discovery program, where they learned about the day-to-day operations and history of the global luxury jewelry house. 

Led by Dwight’s Internship Coordinator, Shauna Fitzmahan, Dwight New York students took part in the program for the third year, and a Dwight Global cohort joined for the first time. Fitzmahan, who secured 80 internship positions and placed 60 Dwight students at companies this past year, recognizes the illuminating effect of the exposure to the business: “[Tiffany & Co.] gives students the opportunity to explore the many layers of their business. It’s enlightening for the students. Often the student might say, ‘I want to get into design and business,’ but don’t really know specifics. So by the end of the program, they realize that actually they’re really interested in HR or executive management. Or they’re interested in the design field.” 

Emma Haswell ’25, of Dwight Global, felt more clarity about her career aspirations after Tiffany & Co.’s designer, Taylor Larson, offered her experience. Smiling about her newfound awareness, Haswell shared, “I think [Larson] even helped me define what I want to do with my own career. It’s really hard to say, ‘I want to do this’ without actually seeing it being done. So now I feel like, ‘Oh wow! I didn't even realize this was a job and that would definitely be something I would be interested in.’” 

During their time with the company, students engaged in meetings with panelists from the corporate, design, manufacturing, and retail spaces. They learned about the collaboration between departments, as well as whimsical details about the requirement that employees learn how to tie the signature Tiffany bow — pulling just one section results in the elegant knot melting open. Guided by the gemologists, the group also examined the quality of two red diamonds. Additionally, they heard about the various paths employees took to arrive at their current positions.  Inspired by the stories, Metz shares, “I learned that people we met that were higher up in the company, the opportunities just came to them from working hard and doing their job well and being a good teammate and a good leader.”

The students also discovered the company’s commitment to sustainability and its aim to have net-zero emissions by 2040. Haswell was moved by what she learned about Tiffany & Co’s attention to detail, especially in its sustainable and ethical practices. Tiffany’s can tell customers the countries where newly sourced, individually registered diamonds of .18 carats and larger are sourced, cut, polished, graded, and set. Haswell says, “So they have exactly every step of the journey.” 

Currently, Fitzmahan is preparing for the upcoming year full of opportunities at Tiffany & Co., among other businesses. As a teacher for multiple decades, Fitzmahan serves as an encouraging (and honest!) hiring manager for students, coaching them on interviews, and offering them abundant resources through a Canvas course she created. She’s aiming to work with parents and Dwight alumni to expand the placements beyond New York, to California and Florida, and is also looking for remote options. Fitzmahan has successfully connected with parents and alumni — even her former students —to find potential positions. She says, “It’s really in some ways like the community is helping the community, right? We want opportunities for our students.” Indeed — and some will prove once-in-a-lifetime. 

By Sara Walsh for Dwight Global Online

Anyone interested in contributing an internship or career opportunity to Fitzmahan’s program can either complete this form, Internship and Shadowing Host Application, or contact her at


Read More about Finding Clarity: Students Envision Future Possibilities During Tiffany & Co. Career Discovery Program
Alumni Reflections: Bert Fichman ’73 (Franklin)

In preparation for our upcoming reunion (Saturday, October 19), we’ve asked a few alumni celebrating milestone years to weigh in on where they’ve gone after leaving us, what they’ve taken away, and what good advice they have for the next generation of Dwight students.

Bert Fichman from the Class of 1973 weighs in 50+ years out…

Tell us about your accomplishments. How are you on a similar or different life/career path to what you envisioned in high school? 

I am an anesthesiologist and Pain/Palliative Care specialist. It was definitely not in my vision in high school. I was not a great student, and the late sixties and early seventies were a very interesting and distracting time. I had an interest in medicine and creative arts, but no clear career path. It took me a while, and a circuitous route, to get to my career. I graduated college with a BFA in film production from NYU and then ended up in medical school.

Is there something that you’re especially proud of from your time at Franklin?

Looking back, the one thing I was especially proud of was getting an A in Dr. Seamus O’Hanlon’s AP class on James Joyce as a senior. He earned his PhD on the study of Joyce. Dr. O’Hanlon was our principal. He was a very strict, proper, and intimidating Irish gentleman who I usually met under inauspicious occasions in his office. I worked very hard in that class and thoroughly enjoyed reading and analyzing Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Earning that grade was also a bridge to mutual respect.

What lessons/learning experiences do you still carry with you?

There are no shortcuts. Make the most of the opportunities that are presented to you. Friendships are very important. Be open and inclusive. These lessons were both learned through my positive actions, as well as mistakes made.

What advice would you give to your younger self and/or what advice would you give to current Dwight students?

Pay a little more attention to scholarly pursuits. Have fun, but don’t be stupid. Appreciate the opportunity and privilege of going to Dwight and being in New York City.

Read More about Alumni Reflections: Bert Fichman ’73 (Franklin)
Dwight School Graduation Sends Our Newest Alumni Off Into Their Futures

As we step into mid-July and the very center of Summer Break, we wanted to take a look back and once again congratulate our newest alumni on their recent graduation.

With the stunning Riverside Church as the setting, 84 members of the Class of 2024 turned their tassels from right to left, marking their final milestone together as Dwight Lions.

Before doing so, the pomp, circumstance, and emotion were enjoyed by students and their families and friends alike, with stirring speeches, over two dozen awards, and a stunning performance of “Astonishing” from the musical Little Women by graduate Brooke Radosevich.

Head of School and Global Education Director Dianne Drew opened the ceremony with inspiring words about what our graduates accomplished, but also what she knows they will continue to accomplish. “It cannot be underestimated,” she proclaimed, “the sense of hope we have for your generation to help inspire and direct future innovations, opportunities, and decisions that shape our world.”

Chancellor Stephen H. Spahn echoed the anticipated global impact of our graduates in his address: “Now is your time to seize the moment as imaginative leaders of a new global era of faith, hope, and opportunity. The challenge is to spark peace, progress, and prosperity for the world and everything in it.”

Maria Ribeiro, in her Salutatory Address, spoke of what brought the Class of 2024 together before contemplating what will be missed as they move apart towards their individual futures, and thanked all who had helped the Class along their way. Valedictorian Guilherme Sequeira recounted his transformative time at Dwight, from arriving as a native Portuguese speaker from Brazil, knowing very little about the language and culture, to standing before the graduates at the top of the class, highlighting Dwight’s strong community and all who had made his — and everyone’s — transformation possible.

We wish our graduates well as they head off to colleges and universities around the globe — the full 2024 Matriculation List can be found here.

Congratulations to each and every graduate, and may your sparks continue to fly high!

Read More about Dwight School Graduation Sends Our Newest Alumni Off Into Their Futures

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Why the IB?

Dwight’s inspiring faculty encourage students to believe in their own talents, pursue their passions, and take intellectual risks through the IB. No other curriculum fits better with our mission of igniting the spark of genius in every child — and vision of educating critical thinkers and innovative global leaders. The academic breadth and depth of the IB are simply unparalleled, which is why it is recognized worldwide as the “gold standard” in college preparation.