For Garry McLaughlin, music is at the heart of everything. Hailing from the parish of Manchester in Jamaica, Garry believes that music can be a universal invitation for togetherness. No matter what language you speak or where you reside, music touches us all. We know Garry well from his work as a member of our dedicated Maintenance team; outside of School, he is the self-proclaimed “Metal Man” – his stage name and persona – and we sat down with him to learn a bit about his passion for music.
Faculty & Staff
Our expert faculty and staff are dedicated to cultivating the spark of genius in every child. We welcome you to read their stories.
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Fatmira Purovic ’92 has been working tirelessly to help our community remain healthy and back in school during the pandemic. This is no small task — rather, it is an ongoing Lion-sized effort for which we are all most grateful.
Third-generation educator Vice Chancellor Blake Spahn spoke with the leading Manhattan group of newspapers, which includes Our Town, The West Side Spirit, Chelsea News, and Our Town Downtown, about the successful reopening of Dwight for in-person learning in late August.
Shortly after we welcomed Eric Novod, Head of Performing Arts, at the beginning of this school year, he dove head-first into planning the largest event of the year — not only in New York, but worldwide across all Dwight campuses: our global concert at Carnegie Hall!
“If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference,
it is that human rights are women’s rights... And women’s rights are human rights.”
From Theory of Knowledge teacher, IB Examiner, and Dean of Grade 12, to Frontier teacher and kickboxing coach, Alexander Cunningham does it all!
A truly internationally minded educator who has lived on several continents, Marie Nieto brought the World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) to Dwight — and was named Coach of the Year at the Global Round in Beijing in the same year!
Shauna Fitzmahan puts the "international" in International Baccalaureate — she's lived on four different continents!