Middle School After-school
From Debate Team and Lego® League Challenge Team, to fashion Statement and Rock Band, Dwight offers Middle School students an extensive range of after-school programs and clubs to choose from.
- Session length: Fall, winter, and spring
- Cost: Club participation is included in tuition, programs are fee-based and costs vary
- Time: Clubs meet from 3-4 pm and programs run from 3-4:30 pm, unless otherwise stated
- Location: Dwight’s CPW Campus or the Dwight School Athletic Center
sample programs and clubs
Humanities & Government
- Debate Team
- Mock Trial
- Public Speaking
- Model UN
Business and Entrepreneurship
- Budding Entrepreneurship
- Bulls & Bears Stock Market
- Sports Management
- Makers Club
Games & Science
- Lego® League Challenge Team
- Science Club
- Extreme Robot Engineering
- Chess
- Baking & Cooking Wars
Sports & Movement
- Flag Football
- Basketball
- Swimming
- Mindfulness Yoga
- Cheerleading
- Dance Fusion
- Running
- Ping Pong
- Pickleball
- Co-Ed Soccer
- Dodgeball
Creative & Writing
- Fashion Statement
- Mixed-Media Art-Marking
- Art Spark Club
- Stop-motion Animation
- Yearbook
- Newspaper Club
- Theater
- Chamber Music
- Rock Band
- Percussion Ensemble
- Dwight Voices Choral Group
- Instrumental Music