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Preschool After-school


  • Clubhouse: Extends the day until 5:30 pm for all full-day students.
  • After-School: Preschool 3s and Pre-K students can participate in a variety of after-school classes from 2:45-3:30 pm on a trimester basis.


The Clubhouse program extends the day until 5:30 pm for full-day students. The Clubhouse Program provides a place to enjoy open play with friends, snack and story, and gym time. Clubhouse students in full day 3s and Pre-K are welcome to enroll in after-school classes held during Clubhouse hours.


From Zumba and tennis, to chess and musicals, Dwight offers students in Preschool 3s-Pre-K an extensive range of after-­school programs to choose from. 

  • Session length: Fall, winter, and spring
  • Cost: Varies by program
  • Time: 2:45-3:30 pm, unless otherwise stated
  • Clubhouse daily drop-in service extends the day until 5:30 pm, providing a structured, but relaxed alternative to after-school activities


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