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Dwight Lions Entangle in Commedia dell’Arte in The Liar

As the lights dimmed at 566 Columbus Avenue, home to Dwight’s Performing Arts Center, audiences took their seats and anticipated the chaotic, comedic journey they were about to embark upon in this fall’s Mainstage Theater Production of The Liar by Carlo Goldoni.

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"Out Of The Blue" and Into the Quad

The music department was delighted to welcome Out Of The Blue (OOTB), an all-male a cappella group from Oxford University, UK to Dwight School this past Monday. The group was able to make a stop in the Quad on their international tour to bring humor, fun choreography, and a love of music to our students and faculty. After singing some Taylor Swift and Beyonce, the boys gave a Q&A and talked about their experiences as semi-finalists on Britain's Got Talent. Everyone had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed the group's performance!

"Random Acts of Kindness" at Dwight

Timothy House presents Dwight's brand new "Random Acts of Kindness" wall! With the completion of this year's Life Skills curriculum over the past ten weeks, Timothy House students have been collaborating to create pieces for our new space. Students have written sentences, slogans, designed stickers, and brought in news articles – all with the theme of "kindness" in mind. Faculty and staff members have also made contributions to the wall as well. What a positive piece of art to add to Dwight's halls. We hope you will stop by and take a look for yourself!


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